torsdag 27 februari 2020

Yearly summery of published works 2019

Yearly summery of published works 2019

Jonas Grafström
The Ratio Institute and Luleå University of Technology
SE-113 59 Stockholm


In this paper I synthesis my published works 2019 and comments about them and what direction the research will take in 2020. Articles in academic journals, working papers, book chapters and other reports will be mentioned. I will present the abstract and some comments about the work.A conclusion and a direction of further research will also be presented.

Keywords: CCS, solar power, technological change, research.
JEL classification: E61, O32, Q2, Q58.

1.    Published works

English publications:
Abstract: An anecdote about the failure of the Soviet economic system tells about a factory which were evaluated based on tons of nails produced–unsurprisingly the nails became heavy. China is currently hailed as the worlds primer wind power producer; however, a closer examination reveals a string of policy failure making the Chinese wind power development resemble the infamous Soviet nail example. From a technological transition perspective, policy failures in China's wind power program from 1980-2016 is documented and analysed. Five overarching topics are analysed including: Conflicting policies, quality problems, underwhelming technological development, lacking technological standards and insufficient grid transmission system. One conclusion is that when the Chinese government set a command and control target of how much new installed capacity that was going to be constructed the state utilities delivered to target but with an abundance of power plants without grid connectivity, severe quality problems and low technological development.
Comment: This paper was first presented in Kentucky and was the first steps towards looking into the economic theoretical side of why the Chinese wind power was underperforming. I had previously just looked at what the literature said about it. This paper is now being transformed into a paper that is on its second revise and resubmit round. It was a rather unexpected way to take it and it have taken me into the field of Austrian Economics.

Abstract: China has in recent decades expanded its wind power generation capacity and become the world leader. Still, despite robust government support, wind power in China is obstructed by various barriers (e.g. quality deficiencies, inability to export, missing grid connections, and permit delays from central government for grid construction etc.). This paper synthesises the literature that has discovered weaknesses in the Chinese wind power development and suggests improvements. One energy policy relevant observation is that when the Chinese government sets command-and-control construction targets over new installed capacity, actors delivered to target – but with several power plants without grid connectivity and severe quality problems. The article contributes to the academic debate over the role of policy making in renewable energy development and argues that China should improve their incentive structure and coordination of regulations.
Comment: Here the more technical energy economics of the changes in the Chinese wind power sector is presented. It later grew into a larger project.

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to provide an updated analysis of international knowledge spillovers in the solar energy sector. Specifically, the paper investigates how the accumulation of solar energy patents and public R&D spending affected the output of domestic granted solar energy patents. The econometric analysis relies on a data set consisting of most of the OECD countries plus China and analyzes two time periods; from 1990 to 2014 and the years 2000 to 2014. To analyze the data material, a Poisson fixed-effects estimator based on the Hausman, Hall and Griliches (1984) method was used. The empirical findings suggest that the domestic accumulation of patents and R&D is important for the potential development of new ones. Indeed, early investment in specific technology can be an indicator of future leadership in that field. It also seems to be the case that long run investment works better for a country that wants to be a part of the development of a particular technology.

Comment: This paper was a way for me to get into a new renewable energy field. Solar energy is a bit less researched than wind power, but of course there are thousands of papers. I basically revisit the methods I used in Grafström (2017) and Grafström and Lindman (2017). Both those paper was interesting.

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to provide a global overview of job effects per MW of wind power installations, which will enable improved decision-making and modeling of future wind-power projects. We found indications that job creation connected to wind-power installations is rather limited. In total, 17 peer-reviewed articles and 10 reports/non-peer-reviewed papers between 2001 and 2019 were assessed. Our three major policy conclusions are as follows:(a) job creation seems to be limited;(b) each new project should consider a unique assessment, since all projects have been undertaken within different institutional frameworks, labor markets, and during separate years, meaning that the technology is not comparable; and (c) the number of jobs depends on the labor intensity of the country. View Full-Text

Comment: In collaboration with some Italian friends and my research assistant we created this rather unique paper that I hope will have some impact when it come to evaluating wind power projects. I have been rather unimpressed with consultants that promise huge work creation if cities build wind power. Wind power is of course good in general but as I job creator, I would not hold my breath.

Swedish publications:
Abstract: Sammanfattning i punktform:•Om DAC med dagenskostnad skulle användas för uppfångning av koldioxid motsvarande världens årliga utsläpp, skulle det årligen kosta en summa motsvarande en fjärdedel av världsekonomin.•Av de fåtal företag som bedriver direktuppfångning av atmosfärisk koldioxid (DAC) har bara ett av dessa offentliggjort sina kostnader. Företaget redovisar idag en kostnad som uppgår till 5600 SEKper insamlat ton.•Det finns dock stor potential för minskade kostnader över tid.•Osäkerheten i denna potential är mycketstor eftersom innovation, lärkurvor och energipriser generellt är svåra att uppskatta på längre sikt.•Efter en bästa gissning baserat på liknande kostnadsminskningar som för ex. solceller och vindkraft uppskattar vi kostnaderna för DAC att sjunka till ca. 750 SEK/tCO2 år 2050, eller någonstans mellan 168–2092 SEK.•Med utvecklingstakten ovan blir DAC samhällsekonomiskt lönsamt omkring år 2045.•För att nå denna potential krävs kraftiga investeringar i stöttande infrastruktur för snabb uppskalning och ekonomiska incitament för infångande (och senare lagring) av koldioxid.•Koldioxidskatter och andra typer av policyåtgärderpåverkar när DAC:s blir lönsam.
Comment: Really important paper that extend a previous paper I done with my college martin Korpi (2018). What will CCS cost is our question and we do find hope for the future.

Teknikutvecklingen och arbetsmarknaden (kapitel bok, Dialogos förlag)
Abstract: Vanliga tider liknar varandra, men ovanliga tider är annorlunda på sitt eget sätt–teknikutvecklingen som pågår bär tecken som tyder på att vi är på väg in i en ovanlig tid. Det ovanliga i denna tid är den sammanlagda snabbheten av teknologiska förändringar. Historiskt har teknikutveckling förändrat arbetsmarknader men det har funnits gott om tid för omställning. I detta kapitel diskuteras teknikförändringarnas utmaningar och huruvida det sker en polarisering på arbetsmarknaden. Kapitlet avslutas med några tankar kring hur en person på arbetsmarknaden kan rusta sig för en framtida, potentiellt ovanlig, tid.
Comment: A book chapter im proud of and is a preclude to things to come in the labor market area.

2. Concluding Remarks and Directions for Future Research

I have made some interesting contributions but would say that work vise a lot more is coming out in 2020. The pipeline is so that a lot of big projects are nearing completion and 2020 will probably be the best year to come.


Grafström, J. (2019). Public policy failures related to China´ s Wind Power Development. In Public Choice Society yearly meeting. Kentucky..
Grafström, J., Goñi, M. L., & Korpi, M. Koldioxidinfångning direkt ur luften, dyrt idag–billigt i framtiden?.
Grafström, J. (2019). Teknikutvecklingen och arbetsmarknaden.
Grafstrom, J. (2018). An Anatomy of Mishaps–China's Wind Power Development. USAEE Research Paper, (18-375).
Grafström, J. (2019). Ratio Working Paper No. 317: China’s Wind Power Development–An Anatomy of Mishaps (No. 317). The Ratio Institute.
Grafstrom, J. (2019). Modern era Knowledge Spillovers in the Solar energy sector.
Grafström, J. (2019). Modern era Knowledge Spillovers in the Solar energy sector.
Aldieri, L., Grafström, J., Sundström, K., & Vinci, C. P. (2020). Wind Power and Job Creation. Sustainability, 12(1), 45.
Grafström, J., & Lindman, Å. (2017). Invention, innovation and diffusion in the European wind power sector. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 114, 179-191.
Grafström, J. (2018). International knowledge spillovers in the wind power industry: evidence from the European Union. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 27(3), 205-224.
Grafström, J., Hvalgren, N., & Korpi, M. (2018). No 309: Förutsättningar för storskaligt infångande av koldioxid (No. 309). The Ratio Institute.


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